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![]() As Paul says, "Public policy follows public sympathy." Paul's books and articles will do their part to sway public sympathy away from "lock 'em up and throw away the key" toward favoring serious rehabilitation and sophisticated parole screening. But let's be honest: it will be a very small part of the solution, unless a lot of other folks do their part too.
You don't have to write a book or start a website. There are lots of other things, big and little, that might be "your part" of getting this major policy shift underway. For instance, you could: 1. email, text, tweet, or post to your friends about Paul's book and blog. 2. ask your pastor to read and endorse Redemption Story. Give him a promo card if you can't afford to buy a copy of the book for him. (see idea #4!) 3. contact your favorite activist or celebrity (or "celebrity activist!") and ask them to read and endorse Redemption Story. Send them a promo card too! 4. print your own promo cards for Redemption Story - regular paper is fine - and pass them out at beauty salons, dentist offices, restaurants, your own workplace, wherever might be appropriate. They are designed to print double-sided but you can print just Page Two if you want, it has all the information. (Page One is the cover of the book.) 5. bring a promo card to your favorite local bookstore, and ask them to stock a few copies of Paul's book. 6. ask your State Representative to draft-- or at least support-- legislation like the Good Samaritan Parole Bill described in Redemption Story (our sample letter can get you started) 7. ask your State Representative to extend expanded good-time credits to all inmates who participate consistently in rehabilitation programs (here's another sample letter for that issue) While you're thinking about these possibilities and coming up with your own ideas, please Like us on Facebook, and sign up to receive brief monthly updates from Paul using that handy form up there to the right. Let us know what you are thinking, what you are doing, give us any helpful feedback you can think of. |
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